Do Varicose Veins Occur in the Hands? How Are Varicose Veins in the Hands Treated?

When it comes to vein dilation or varicose veins, the first thing that comes to mind is varicose veins appearing in the legs. However, vein dilation can occur not only in the legs but also in the hands. Unlike those in the legs, vein dilations in the hands do not pose a health problem; they only cause concerns from an aesthetic perspective. Prominent hand veins contribute to an older appearance. Through non-surgical methods, these concerns can be easily addressed and treated.

Causes of Vein Dilation

Vein dilations that occur in the legs result from the malfunction of valves on the venous system, leading to the accumulation of impure blood in the veins. However, vein dilations in the hands are different. With age, the skin’s fat tissue decreases, causing the previously invisible hand veins to become more visible and prominent.

Unlike leg varicose veins, there is no issue with valve malfunctions in hand veins, so they do not cause complaints such as pain or cramps as seen in leg varicose veins.

Treating Varicose Veins in the Hands

The issue of vein dilation in the hands can be easily treated non-surgically through a method known as sclerotherapy, which involves injecting medication.

Sclerotherapy aims to permanently repair the desired veins with the injected medication. This effectively eliminates the unwanted appearance in the hands.

Sclerotherapy can be applied in two different forms. For small veins, the medication is used in liquid form. For larger veins, the medication is turned into a foam by reacting with air to effectively cover the entire surface of the vein. This method is known as foam sclerotherapy.

Post-Treatment Care

In the case of leg varicose veins, bandages or compression stockings may be necessary as deemed necessary by the doctor. However, there is no need for any special post-treatment care for vein dilation in the hands.

Vein Dilation in the Arms

Vein dilations similar to those in the hands can also occur in the arms. With sclerotherapy, vein dilations in the arms can also be permanently treated.

Recurrence of Vein Dilation in the Hands

After being treated with sclerotherapy, vein dilations in the hands do not recur. A few minutes of treatment can permanently eliminate the unwanted vein appearance without surgery.

Areas Where Sclerotherapy is Applied

Sclerotherapy is used for the treatment of small to medium-sized varicose veins. Through sclerotherapy, varicose veins in the legs can be permanently treated. After treatment, both the unsightly appearance caused by varicose veins and the associated complaints such as pain, throbbing, and fatigue are alleviated. Since there are no incisions or stitches, varicose veins can be treated without leaving any scars.

Advanced and large varicose veins can also be treated without surgery using the foam method. Thanks to non-surgical varicose vein treatments, all types of varicose veins can be permanently treated.

Sclerotherapy and foam treatment are applied on a same-day basis. Patients can return to their work and social life on the same day. Compared to surgical varicose vein treatment, these methods are more cost-effective and comfortable for the patient.”

Updated: 13 Aralık 2023 — 14:39
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