What is the Purpose of Compression Stockings, and What are Their Benefits?

Varicose veins are a common health issue in society, especially prevalent among women. Studies have revealed that varicose veins are observed in 40% of women and 32% of men. This percentage tends to increase in individuals of advanced age and those who are female.

Patients with varicose veins often inquire about the purpose and usage of compression stockings. In this article, we will delve into topics such as the effectiveness of varicose vein stockings and the situations in which they are used.

Compression stockings are utilized to support post-treatment care for varicose veins. They do not act as a standalone treatment for varicose veins. However, with proper use, compression stockings can help prevent the progression of varicose veins and the formation of new ones, as well as alleviate the symptoms caused by existing varicose veins.

Prevents the Formation and Progression of Varicose Veins

Varicose disease tends to progress if left untreated. Especially in individuals with a genetic predisposition, the occurrence and progression of varicose veins are almost inevitable. However, taking appropriate measures can prevent the formation of new varicose veins and halt the progression of existing ones.

Varicose disease occurs as a result of the disruption of vein valves due to pressure applied to the legs, leading to the accumulation of impure blood in the veins. In other words, the pressure within the veins contributes to the formation of varicose veins. To prevent the formation of varicose veins, it is necessary to create counterpressure. Varicose stockings are specially designed compression stockings. The pressure exerted by a proper and high-quality varicose stocking helps prevent the formation of varicose veins.

“Accelerates the Healing Process After Varicose Vein Treatment

The use of compression stockings is generally recommended after both surgical and non-surgical varicose vein treatments. For non-surgical treatments, the recommended usage period is around 10-15 days, while for surgical treatments, it is advised to wear them for approximately 3 months. This application facilitates a faster recovery process by applying the appropriate counterpressure.

Alleviates Symptoms Caused by Varicose Veins

The compressive effect of varicose stockings promotes healthier circulation. As a result, complaints such as pain and cramps caused by the accumulation of impure blood in the legs are alleviated, even if not fully treated.

How to Choose Varicose Stockings

Varicose stockings come in different types and varying levels of compression. These include pantyhose-style varicose stockings, maternity varicose stockings, knee-high and thigh-high varicose stockings. In terms of compression, varicose stockings are available in three different pressure types: moderate pressure (23-32 mmHg), high pressure (34-46 mmHg), and very high pressure (49 mmHg and above).

To ensure the effectiveness of varicose stocking usage, the selection of stockings should always be made in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.”

Varicose Stocking Brands and Prices

Products are sold under the name of relaxing socks in the market. However, these products are not as effective as varicose stockings. To benefit from stocking usage, high-quality stockings with the correct pressure should be used. Therefore, when purchasing varicose stockings, it is advisable to choose a medical brand.

The prices of varicose stockings may vary depending on whether the product is a Turkish brand or imported. On average, varicose stocking prices range between 50-200 TL. Some of the most commonly preferred varicose stocking brands include Sigvaris, Varimed, Mediven, Variteks, and Jobst.

How to Use Varicose Stockings?

Varicose stockings should be worn as soon as you wake up in the morning. They should be taken off in the evening before bedtime. It is not necessary to wear them 24 hours a day. Despite being compression stockings, they are not difficult to put on. However, if there is difficulty in wearing them, assistive devices can be used.

Frequently Asked Questions About Varicose Stockings

Can Varicose Stockings be Used During Pregnancy?

Yes, varicose stockings can be used during pregnancy. In fact, there are special varicose stockings designed for pregnant women.

Should Varicose Stockings be Worn While Exercising?

No, there is no need to wear varicose stockings while exercising.

How Long Should Varicose Stockings be Worn?

Varicose stockings should be worn until varicose veins are treated. However, for some individuals, lifelong use of varicose stockings may be necessary for preventive purposes.”

Does Varicose Stockings Slim the Leg?

Despite having a structure that wraps around the legs, varicose stockings do not compress or alter the shape of the legs. They simply balance the pressure inside the veins with appropriate compression.

Use of Varicose Stockings in the Summer Months

The use of varicose stockings in the summer months can be challenging. To overcome this difficulty, there are thinner varicose stockings with a higher cotton content. This allows for more comfortable use during the summer.

It is not recommended for varicose patients to wear tight clothing, as applying pressure and compression to the legs increases the risk of varicose veins. However, even though varicose stockings are tight, their mechanism of action is different. Varicose stockings exert higher pressure at the ankle, gradually decreasing as you move upwards.”

Updated: 13 Aralık 2023 — 16:26
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